The Next Women

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Creating role models to actively build an environment of inclusion and equality.
Right now, a culture of equal representation and power for women is needed to grow further, together. The Next Women is building a global movement of ambitious women and progress-driven companies. We felt that in order to progress further, the story should be about not just women, but about growing as a society. And we need to connect and work together to create this environment where everyone is able to grow. The Next Women needed a brand strategy that translates this urge. We’re part of something bigger than ourselves, something that has been set in motion quite some time ago, something that continues to gain momentum. An unstoppable movement that will continue to set things in motion until true equality is achieved.
Building on our ancestors.
The feminist movement has been around for quite some time. There are a lot of movements and strong women that we owe the progress to that already has been made. We use green, purple, yellow and white. Colors based on the suffragette movement in the UK and USA. They tell us the story of women fighting for justice, for a seat at the table. The colors stand for loyalty, dignity, hope, brightness and moral purity. We’re standing on their shoulders to accelerate progress. Deriving from old revolutionary posters and more recent, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez’ campaign posters we use a strong upward line. It emphasizes positivity, a look forward and the fact that we’re on a mission.
Think of the Suffragettes in the 1920’s that gave women the ability to vote. But closer to this date there are women like Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez who want to bring the power back to the people instead of just the homogene group of people in governments and boards. The identity of The Next Women builds on that and values the effort of these women.

Equality = growth
Equality is not just important for the sake of being equal. It has also been proven that diverse teams are more successful and deliver more growth. Growth is not just about growing economically, but also seeing progress in how we value ourselves and each other. The network of The Next Women is super valuable in this. Together they help each other forward and achieve more growth in society. They all come from a place where there were hardly any role models, without an entry in the world of venture capital and through The Next Women, they are able to learn, gain knowledge and experience/confidence so that they can claim this entry by themselves.

Equality = growth
We created tote bags and pins with the pay-off Equality = growth. It’s a subtle way of making a statement and great to use as conversation starter while networking.

The Next Women 100
Every year, The Next Women launches a list of the 100 women that have had the most succes over the last year. During this diner, we launched the new brand in all there was to be seen and heard. Also we photographed the attendees in the way we did for the communication on the website etc. Let’s create role models and show the amazing women who are actually making the difference.

Powerful, bold, strong women. The website should portray everything The Next Women is about. Creating role models and being able to join the network of female founders and investors on an energetic, clear and powerful way. It’s awesome to make statements and truly stand for what your mission is to make more impact.